![]() [HOME] [ISSUE] [ARCHIVES] [ABOUT] [GUIDELINES] [BLOG] Outside-in / Catalytic Exteriorizationby Bogi TakácsA lack of sleep lowers the incident threshold; the mechanism is similar to epilepsy except the reaction happens outside the skull. I stagger through a nighttime landscape of power lines while the light of the full moon scatters, flickers in pools of groggy dark water and the grid hums inside my chest cavity; whenever I turn my head the world lags behind, my mental representations refreshing all too slowly, betraying my exhaustion; and I draw a breath knowing it is close, the moment when the catalytic exteriorization process runs its course over the smooth, tidy pathways of the neuraxis; my breath hisses in unison with the heat coming off my diaphragm and as my limbs tremble ever so slightly, something inside layers of warm flesh uncoils to whip across the sky like lashes of lightning and pain; something whispers a magic spell to the universe, asking it to bend to the will that still remains hidden, curled up inside the patterns of synaptic potential but still unknown to the acting consciousness, to me, and what happens is always unexpected, always personal, secret and terrifying; cold and heavy upon my lungs, constricting my actions, hastening my footsteps until I break into a run and tears start to flow with a measured, customary trickle — and I clench my fists, less in anger than in a violent, shuddering release that knocks down walls of memory and preconception, sends the wind hurtling to the sky, clashing against the clouds, calls me by my name, unravels the world. Bogi Takács is a Hungarian Jewish author, a psycholinguist and a popular-science journalist. E writes speculative poetry, fiction and pieces that defy categorization. Eir works have been published or are forthcoming in venues like Strange Horizons, Apex, Through the Gate, GigaNotoSaurus and more. ![]() |