Stone Telling

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A Snippet of a Tale

by Kathy Figueroa

But, at times, when the shadows dance,
And the wind lulls travelers into a trance,
Crepuscular Creepers crave something more
And don't care to venture to the store…
They covet a tidbit more delectable than a lost soul's eye
And carp for something tasty like… cake or pie.

And so, as in the night flickers the will-o'-the-wisp,
The Creepers have often searched for… rhubarb crisp.
Sometimes plain, sometimes a la mode,
They'll search relentlessly for where it might be stowed.
Alas, they can be notoriously difficult to please
And it's whispered now that they're into …cheese…

It was later surmised that the near fuchsia colour of the sketchbook cover served as an attractant… a lure, if you will, in that, from a distance, and from a certain angle, it resembled a large square of rhubarb crisp.

Though the sketchbook was eventually recovered, its location gave investigators pause because it was found on the table of a sidewalk café in …Amsterdam… covered in melted brie.

"Why not a Dutch cheese?" they wondered.  The mystery deepened…

Canadian poet Kathy Figueroa takes great delight in writing poems that have entertained newspaper and magazine readers in Ontario for many years. She's had three books published: Paudash Poems, Flowertopia, and The Cathedral of the Eternal Blue Sky, and her work appears in numerous anthologies, as well as on many poetry blogs and websites. She enjoys organizing events, like "The Word is Wild Literary Festival" (held in June, 2014), and frequently reads her work to local audiences.

Photography: adapted from Brie, by Justin Burner. Photomanipulation with an unpublished photograph by Shweta Narayan, used with permission.