![]() [HOME] [ISSUE] [ARCHIVES] [ABOUT] [GUIDELINES] [BLOG] Στα Μισά του ΔρόμουΑθηνά ΑνδρεάδηΠως μάδησε και ρήμαξε όλη η λαμπρή μας νιότη!Τότε οι πύλες τ᾽ ουρανού φάνταζαν ανοιχτές. Η κούραση κι᾽ οι δαίμονες μας πήραν το κατόπι. Μέσα μας και ξοπίσω μας, αίματα και σκοτάδια, και για όσους μας αγάπησαν, ερείπια και φωτιές. Η ζεστασιά κι᾽ η ανάπαυση είναι ζυγός για μας. Διαλέξαμε αγκάθια, ξέρες κι᾽ αστροφεγγιές. Είμαστε αμετάκλητα στον πόλεμο ταγμένοι. Θα σβήσουμε εξόριστοι και ξένων μισθοφόροι, έχοντας δει κι᾽ ονειρευτεί άπειρες ομορφιές. Mid-Journeyby Athena AndreadisHow plucked and gutted is our bright youth!The gates of heaven stood open back then. Now, fatigue and demons track our trail. Within us and behind us, blood and darkness And for those who loved us, ruins and flames. Warmth and comfort are yokes for us. We chose thorns, shoals and starlight. We vowed ourselves irrevocably to battle. We will die exiles, mercenaries to strangers, Having seen and dreamed imperishable beauty. Athena Andreadis was born in Greece and lured to the US at age 18 by a full scholarship to Harvard. She does basic research in molecular neurobiology, focusing on mental retardation and dementia. She is an avid reader in four languages across genres, the author of To Seek Out New Life: The Biology of Star Trek and writes speculative fiction and non-fiction on a wide swath of topics. Her work can be found in Harvard Review, Strange Horizons, Crossed Genres, Science in My Fiction, H+ Magazine, The Huffington Post, and her own site, Starship Reckless. ![]() |