Stone Telling

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Shweta Narayan and J.C. Runolfson. Introduction: Labyrinth.


Meena Kandasamy. Celestial celebrities
because they followed the jagged, moody course
they chose for themselves
Alec Austin. The Vigil
unstuck in time without / the murder roar
Nisi Shawl. Transbluency: An Antiprojection Chant
I'm here to tell you all your secrets, all your underneath.

Valentina Cano. Tricks of the Mind
their wings of bone and twigs / will crumble down
Liz Henry. Mother Frankenstein
scars stitching scars on your skin
C.W. Johnson. Sistern
She never swallows / the air I bring mouthful by mouthful
Karen Joy Fowler. My Son Asks About his Surgery
And after all, / what good is one wing?
Jeannelle Ferreira. Bacab Skerry
In Finland, the first letter said, with C., whom I met at the ruins in Oxkintok.
Emily Jiang. Monkey, Trapped
i know i'm in stone / because it is dark

Mari Ness. Encantada
The leaves / fall hard around me.
Amal El-Mohtar. Pieces
and the rain is made of metal and mortar
Nandini Dhar. Learning to Locate Colors in Grey: Kiran Talks About Her Brothers
They cling on to an orderliness / which escapes her tongue.
Sonya Taaffe. Shnirele, Perele
flickering over fields / that lie like sheet music beneath the blue-stepped sky


Emily Jiang. When Flowers Bloom, When Flowers Fall:
How Women Influenced Chinese Poetry during the Tang Dynasty
Jaded. Sewing Souls With Blanks: Silences in Kamala Das's Poetry

Julia Rios. Stone Telling Roundtable: Transformation


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