Stone Telling

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Rose Lemberg and Shweta Narayan. Not Only a Hero's Journey.


Patricia Monaghan. Tiddy Mun is Gone
reminding them / of awesome presences in water and sodden land
Yoon Ha Lee. Immigrants
Paper airplanes / are ripped out from books
Shira Lipkin. The Changeling's Lament
I have studied so hard / to pass as one of you.
JT Stewart. Mirror Woman
In a public library restroom / caught a sistah standing behind me

Delia Sherman. Fathers
He climbs the ladder, rungs creaking underfoot
Erik Amundsen. The Lend
They wrote you with the blood of foxes, they wrote you
Sofia Samatar. The Sand Diviner
She spoke to him of roads. She said: Silk flows downward.
Alexandra Seidel. A Masquerade in Four Voices
Come, Mother, braid my hair. My dress hangs ready on its frame
Elizabeth McClellan. Panikos
It's natural, / like amanita muscara, / digitalis, arsenic, orgasms / or dying of heart disease.

Sonya Taaffe. Graffiti
I made my bed between Sappho and Catullus
Koel Mukherjee. Sita Reflects
Maybe if I look for a hearth / I'll find shoes for adventure
Jennifer Givhan. Stapler Poem
I've howled nights at the blood-red moon
Mike Allen. Surviving Wonderland
"I am the White Rabbit," / says the creature in the mirror / that's neither rabbit nor white.
Eliza Victoria. Prayer
A tree sits in the wasteland of my mother's memory.


Amal El-Mohtar, Brittany Warman, and Alan Yee. Journal of Mythic Arts Retrospective I: Personal Reflections

Amal El-Mohtar. Journal of Mythic Arts Retrospective II: A Kaffeeklatsch with Terri Windling

Emily Jiang. In Search of Truth and Beauty within the Intersection of Multicultural Myths and Poetry

Mike Allen. Not One of Us, Issue 45

Julia Rios. Stone Telling Roundtable: Story and Identity with Mike Allen, Erik Amundsen, Shira Lipkin, Koel Mukherjee, Delia Sherman, and JT Stewart.


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