![]() [HOME] [ISSUE] [ARCHIVES] [ABOUT] [GUIDELINES] [BLOG] ![]() Rose Lemberg and Shweta Narayan. Catalyst: the Science and Science Fiction issue POETRY Sofia Samatar. Girl Hours You were not the only deaf woman there Lyn Coffin. The Chute you are being / chased by a three-member hive Maria Velazquez. Gas Giants They collapsed suns into black holes and called them children Alyza Taguilaso. Three Movements on Anatomy Inconsequential / as the ghost floating by the steel table Jazz Sexton. How to Eat Gourmet Crow on a Low-Fare Airline Memorize definitions of ‘monster’ and ‘human’ on back of packet C.S.E. Cooney. Postcards from Mars Citizens of Earth have no stamps for Mars Mary Alexandra Agner. Lovelace Nocturnes But every metal daughter's watched a ceiling crystallize from dark to / dawn J.C. Runolfson. The exposure of William H. Mumler he thought the lens / would prove him sane Na'amen Tilahun. In Memory of Dreamt Clockwork until / black skin drifts down, negative snow for / the love of you Athena Andreadis. Mirror Twin Starship navigators live / by renunciation and arrogance Alex Dally MacFarlane. Sung Around Alsar-Scented Fires See me! See me! Falna the fierce / with my son on my back, tenth child, battle-charm Tori Truslow. Terrunform It wasn't new Earth we wanted NON-FICTION Brit Mandelo. The Poetry of Joanna Russ, Part I: An Introduction REVIEW Lisa Bradley. The Scientific Method, Poetry by Mary Alexandra Agner INTERVIEW Julia Rios. Stone Telling Roundtable: Women and Science with Mary Alexandra Agner, Alex Dally MacFarlane, Sofia Samatar, Na'amen Tilahun, and Tori Truslow. TIPPING JAR If you enjoyed this issue, please consider donating a few dollars to help Stone Telling stay alive for many more issues. Your donations go towards content - payment for poems and non-fiction pieces. ![]() |