Stone Telling

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Rose Lemberg and Shweta Narayan. A Menagerie, A Road


Eileen Gunn. JT Stewart

JT Stewart.
Woman / eat rapidly and dream truths
Inside its curved belly / they saw
Cinderella Begins Her Memoir
Surprise me you said. Surprise me. Surprise
The Novice Takes Notes For Going South
Isn't this such a night where everything / goes south
Kiss Me / Change Me
cute is for small / women / not for me

Amal El-Mohtar. Promised Lands: Poems from the sovereign of dishpan sonnets, by JT Stewart


Dominik Parisien. Let me show you you
pry / ribs apart and spread them
Alyza Taguilaso. Aphasia
Water has always had the problem / of where to wash its hair
Lisa M. Bradley. embedded
I'm anchored by blankets / anvil-heavy
Mat Joiner. A Black Dog
I've always known his face lies close behind mine
Bogi Takács. The Tiny English-Hungarian Phrasebook For Visiting Extraterrestrials
That's (not) an integral part of my body. — Ez (nem) a testem szerves része
Brianna Belle Sulzener. Returns
he said / They're rocks, / They're nothing
Ishita Basu Mallik. flood
flood understands about your mother
Michele Bannister. Foam, Braided with Teeth
we are the surf-surge, the tempest-wave / foam-born and fickle
Minal Hajratwala. The Unicorn at the Racetrack
she mimics / hummingbirds not hooves
Neile Graham. With Bats in Our Belfry, Dear, Earth Water and Sky
That was the living / we'd made. / How we thrived


Kari Sperring. The Laughter of Women: on Carol Ann Duffy as Poet Laureate

Mike Allen. These Burning Streets, poems by Kelly Rose Pflug-Back

Julia Rios. Stone Telling Roundtable: Projection
with Neile Graham, Minal Hajratwala, Ishita Basu Mallik, JT Stewart, and Brianna Belle Sulzener.


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